Lesbian Light Reads Volumes 1-12 by Elizabeth Andre

Lesbian Light Reads Volumes 1-12 by Elizabeth Andre

Author:Elizabeth Andre
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Tulabella Ruby Press


I had always treasured Sunday mornings. Sunday was the day when I could take more time and more care about breakfast. Sometimes it would be cinnamon rolls or French toast. Maybe it would just be bacon, eggs and home fries or a batch of steel cut oats. Whatever it was, it was something that I didn’t have time to make on weekday mornings. This morning, I made blueberry pancakes and fried a sausage patty to go with them. It wasn’t until I sat down to eat that I noticed it—the silence. Actually, it wasn’t completely silent. I had turned on the radio to a Sunday morning jazz program, so I could hear the music. Occasionally, I might have a few friends over for brunch, but in all the time I’d lived in this house, I’d been perfectly content with my own company. This morning was different. I felt an absence. I took a few bites of the pancakes and sausage to distract myself. Finally, I dialed my friend Allison but got her voicemail. I left a message, asking her to call me back. I ate a little bit more before calling Robin. She was surprised to hear from me, but said that, of course, I could come over this morning. I took another bite of sausage, put the rest away in the fridge and headed out to my sister’s.

Marena and Keri were pleased to see me, but let me know how much they had missed me last night. I told them I missed them, too. By the look on Marena’s face, I could see that she doubted my sincerity. I didn’t think my sister told them that I had a date, but Marena was right, in a way, to be suspicious. I mean, I did miss them, but I’d had a fantastic time with Lyndsey. About half an hour after getting to my sister’s house, Allison returned my call. I stepped out into the backyard to talk to her.

Before I’d even finished saying hello, Allison launched into a rant about one of her colleagues. Allison was a math teacher at a local high school, which resembled less a place of learning and more a soap opera. Her rants and gossip about the school, her colleagues and students were never less than entertaining, but I wasn’t in the mood for that today. I needed her to listen to me. I interrupted her.

“Al, I called you because I wanted to ask you something.”

Pause. “Oh. Well, this is new. Ask away.”

I took a deep breath and, as I paced my sister’s backyard, I told her about my date with Lyndsey and how it ended.

“You did what? Why did you leave? Do you know how long I’ve been waiting for you to jump start your personal life? I can’t be the only one providing the juicy gossip in our relationship. And what do you do? You leave the poor thing, who really seems to be into you, by the way, in the lurch. You left her with blue balls! Probably.


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